Welcome to my sketchblog! I figured the title of this post was a matter of tradition, right? If you dont already know me, Im a graphic designer and illustrator. This little sketchblog is a place for my doodles and sketches, experiments with different media and styles, and whatever other randomness it occurs to me to post. The work here will probably be a bit on the rough side compared to my professional work, an extention of my sketchbook really. If you like what you see here, take a look at my formal portfolio to see what it all looks like a bit more put-together.

Thats me… just a relatively quick self-portrait. Yes, most of my work starts out on that drawing table before passing through the computer. Lately Ive been working a lot with black ink pen, and then adding colors digitally after scanning the artwork. I love my Micron pens! You’ll probably see a lot of them here, but don’t be surprised to see my colored pencils and who knows what else resurface as well.
Now, I’m new to this whole blogging thing all the kids are into these days, so please bear with me if there are a few bugs along the way. And have a nice day!
I just wanted to drop a quick hello here. I found you through the LinkedIn Doodlers Group and the discussion entitled “Show Me Your Doodles!”.
I’m very happy that I did!
Your command of anatomy is spectacular, and I think that your rougher sketches really illustrate that fact wonderfully. The more basic the forms, the more readily it becomes obvious that you know what goes where even at the initial stages of a drawing.
Love your work, and really enjoyed going through this blog. Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks Matt! I’m really enjoying going through everyone’s work on that thread too. And I see some of my webcomic faves showing up in your sketches, too. 🙂
I really do try to know the structure of what I’m drawing, it has to be very real to me before I can commit it to paper and I don’t like copying directly from photos.
(Somewhere buried in my old sketchbooks I have some totally OCD sketches of the skeletal-muscular structure of miniature dragons… ) It always makes me happy to know all that work is worthwhile to someone besides myself. 🙂