When my husband saw my sketches for this week’s Illustration Friday topic, he thought they were kind of creepy, but even he admitted the finished product was cute. Although I always seem to pull back from total cuteness overload anyway. Click image to enlarge.
I broke out the brush pen again for this one, though I used the Microns for a lot of shading and the little details. And the buttons. I am so out of practice with the brush these days that small circles are just right out of the question; the spool of thread came out ok but it’s a bit wobbly from the brush getting away from me. Very quick coloring job, especially on the background. I used to have no problem with drawing figures with no background at all, but these days I need to put a little something back there. I’m still figuring out the best way to do that without spending forever on it!
Looks beautifully done. But my first thought was it looks like he’s ready to jab himself in the head with the needle. Like life’s been a little too tough for old bunny.
I think it’s the perfect amount of cuteness! Great illo and I love your line work.
Geeesh, haha – making it hard to comment your drawing, are you? 😛
well – what I wanted to say was: I like the bunny and the style, but it kinda looks like he’s gonna kill himself. 😛
Great work…your style reminds me of the illustrations in the original Winnie the Pooh books!
I love your linework – it makes me envious but in a good, inspiring way. I also love this illustration – there’s enough cute out there: I like things which have an edge – I also think children enjoy darker things.
This cracks me up! Well done.
Really beautiful line work, it makes me want to pick that bunny up and help him out (even though sewing is not my forte!) He’s so real!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I really appreciated your comments. 🙂